360 videos are a new and innovative approach to dealing with anxiety and offers an immersion experience that we hope you will appreciate.
As with new technologies it can be limited in some aspects. Here are some instructions to get you started, if for some reason the video doesn't load for you there are alternative links on the screen.
Mobile Devices:
Apple devices:
Apple devices like the iPhone and the iPad treat 360 video's a little bit different.
To have a smooth experience you have to install an external app.
If you are not prompted to download the app you can click on the link below to download it.
To navigate the screen you use your finger to move left and right the cursor left and right.
Android Devices:
For android devices, you just click on the links and the 360 video should load.
N.B. Please pause the video for a couple of seconds to help the video buffer that way it will guarantee the best video quality.
Laptop/Desktop Computers:
For the most reliant experience a laptop or desktop computer is probably the best approach
You can navigate each video by clicking the navigation buttons below the introduction videos
Go full screen
Start the video and then Pause it, the reason for this is because to get the best quality if takes a couple of seconds to buffer depending on your internet speed, this also helps the audio and the video sync up together.
To navigate the screen click on your mouse and move the cursor left and right.
To return to the Home screen:
To return to the main screen just click the home screen
Internet Connection Speed
The minimum viable connection speed to stream Wistia video reliably is about 768 kilobits per second (equal to .768 megabits per second). We recommend a connection speed of at least 5 megabits per second for an optimal experience with HD capability.
For more information on how to prepare your video for the best performance and details on how Wistia optimizes the playback experience for each viewer, be sure to review the Optimal Export Settings guide. It's quite helpful!