“Discover How The DARE Response Can Get Rid of Your Biggest Anxiety Issue in 7-Days”
And Develop the Confidence YOU Need to Live Your Life to the Full
“After 55 Years of anxious suffering, I’m free.”
Laura Behenna, Orange County,Los Angeles USA
Dear Friend and Anxiety Sufferer,
If you want to overcome your biggest anxiety issue, regain your confidence, and finally live your life without anxiety holding you back, then this may be the most important message you’ll ever read.
Here’s Why
Standard treatment can’t heal your anxiety, it can only manage it.
Prescription drugs mask your symptoms, so once you stop taking them, they're likely to return. You can also become dependent on them, experience unpleasant side-effects and spend a lot of your hard-earned money buying them.
The methods psychotherapists practice are outdated which means, at the most, they can only give you temporary relief.
And popular self-help approaches like doing yoga and meditation can only help alleviate some of your symptoms, and you have to practice them continuously to get their benefits.
No matter what you do, your anxiety will still be weighing you down and sucking the enjoyment out of your life.
You'll start to think you'll never be like your old self again and will have to suffer for the rest of your life.
You’ll have to go through the rest of your days with anxiety holding you back from doing the things you want and being the person you want to be.
However, through The DARE Response, both myself and thousands of sufferers have found our way out.
We're able to live our lives to the fullest, free from anxiety holding us back.
And we’ve been able to do it all without having to depend on drugs, counseling or any of the popular treatments sufferers are trying in vain these days.
Now It’s Your Turn
It gives me great pleasure to help people overcome their anxiety and live happy, fulfilling lives again.
However, although my book has helped people to do this, there’s been one drawback.
Let me explain…
When you suffer from anxiety, it can affect you in a different way compared to other sufferers.
For example, your biggest anxiety issue could be being nervous around people.
Another person’s biggest anxiety issue could be driving on the highway.
And for someone else, it could be using medication or even recreational drugs as a crutch.
Whatever your biggest anxiety issue is it stands in the way to you reaching full recovery in the fastest time possible.
This is why I’ve decided to put together my new audio course, The DARE 7-Day Challenge where you’ll discover exactly what steps you need to take to overcome your biggest anxiety issue.
This includes common anxiety issues like:
- Health Anxiety
- Setbacks
- Intrusive Thoughts
- Social Anxiety
- Feeling Trapped
- Driving Anxiety
- Anticipatory Anxiety
- Safety Crutches
- Physical Symptoms
When you take the challenge, you’ll realize you are the cure. Everything you need to heal your anxiety is inside you, you just needed to be shown the way.
Then, with your biggest anxiety issue out of the way, your life will become a whole lot easier. You’ll have better relationships, perform better at your studies or work, and your general quality of life will improve.
Plus A Whole Lot More
Here's What You Get Inside
Group calls with experienced Therapists
You will have three groups calls during the Challenge.
These are unique opportunities to ask questions as well as to go deeper into the work.
If you are unable to make a call you can listen back to the call recordings.
Daily Videos
Each day I will be sending you a audio via text email direct to your phone.
These audios are a combination of teachings and specific challenges for you to undertake during the Challenge.
All the content is short and focused on getting quick results
Private Facebook Group
It's an area where you will get support and encouragement to achieve the goals you set.
Accountability is the key component of this group. My previous coaching programs have attracted the very highest caliber of people.
Kind supportive people who go way beyond the call of duty to support each other. I am excited to see what long lasting friendships and support develops from this group.
Daily Emails
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Donec tempus commodo magna, a dapibus tellus scelerisque mollis.
Members Area
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Praesent convallis lorem in urna condimentum hendrerit. Fusce posuere venenatis risus ac convallis. Pellentesque semper accumsan justo eget vestibulum.
Donec tempus commodo magna, a dapibus tellus scelerisque mollis.
You Are Not Your Anxiety
The science behind the Dare Challenge
The work you will be doing a Challenge is designed to challenge you in exactly the right way to help rewire your brain to have a new response to anxiety you experience.
Neuroscience shows that when we challenge ourselves in unique and novel ways we form new connections in our brain and develop new empowering behavior.
On this Challenge you will also learn to apply the latest tools in habit formation and relaxation training to bring you a deeper level of comfort and calm than you have experienced to date.
Anxiety is not who you Really Are
Who you really are has so much potential.
I bet you are a kind, sensitive, creative and intelligent person. It’s just that those qualities get turned in on themselves with anxiety.
That creative imagination of yours can become your own worst enemy. And have you considered what your ideal life might look like?
What comes to your mind?
- More fun?
- More travel?
- A better career?
- Better relationships with others?
- More expression of your true self?
Online Anxiety support. Revolutionized.
Our cutting edge platform enables your learning anywhere, anytime. On your way to work? Just press play on your smartphone and start the program on your commute.
When you get home, you can just as easily continue where you left off on your tablet, laptop, or any other internet enabled device you own.
And when you enrol today, feel satisfied knowing that any moment you need relief from anxiety it's there for you – at the push of a button.
Pick 1 Challenge
Overcome Health Anxiety
- Daily Health Audios
- Group Calls
- Members Area
- Daily Emails
- Private Facebook Group
Overcome Social Anxiety
- Daily Health Audios
- Group Calls
- Members Area
- Daily Emails
- Private Facebook Group
Overcome Setbacks
- Daily Setback Audios
- Group Calls
- Members Area
- Daily Emails
- Private Facebook Group
Overcome Feeling Trapped
- Daily Setback Audios
- Group Calls
- Members Area
- Daily Emails
- Private Facebook Group
Overcome Intrusive Thoughts
- Daily Intrusive Thoughts Audios
- Group Calls
- Members Area
- Daily Emails
- Private Facebook Group
Overcome Driving Anxiety
- Daily Intrusive Thoughts Audios
- Group Calls
- Members Area
- Daily Emails
- Private Facebook Group
Overcome Safety Crutches
- Daily Health Audios
- Group Calls
- Members Area
- Daily Emails
- Private Facebook Group
Overcome Anticipatory Anxiety
- Daily Health Audios
- Group Calls
- Members Area
- Daily Emails
- Private Facebook Group
Overcome Bodily Sensations
- Daily Health Audios
- Group Calls
- Members Area
- Daily Emails
- Private Facebook Group
Are You Ready for a Challenge?
It’s time for you to move beyond defining yourself as an ‘anxious person’ and Dare for a greater life. I am inviting you to join my DARE Challenge.
A 7 day program to change your life. The DARE Challenge is a coaching program for people who want to do focused work for 7 days and who are up for a challenge in order to finally remove the shackles of anxiety in their life.
Remember the old you before anxiety?
That person who was not afraid to do the simplest of things?
Well I intend to not only get you feeling like that again but to get you living an even more purposeful and meaningful life.
If you join the DARE Challenge, I am going to challenge you in just the right way combined with the right mix of teaching and motivation.
The time to complete your homework is very short yet it will rapidly help you to step beyond the limitations anxiety has created in your mind and get you back living life to its fullest!
BUT that’s not all DARE Challenge is.
It is also a program to help you establish a new ‘daily wellness routine’ to help you feel calmer and more relaxed in your life than ever before. By the end of the 10 days expect to feel layers of your anxiety fall away.
This Challenge does not take much of your time but it does require your effort and dedication. That is how you push for a greater life beyond anxiety!
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About Your Host Barry McDonagh
My name is Barry McDonagh and I have been teaching people to end their panic and anxiety for over ten years.
I have taught everyone from top CEO’s and celebrities to police officers, soldiers and 'stay at home' moms on how to end their anxiety and panic attacks fast.
I am the author of DARE and the creator of the best selling anxiety treatment program Panic Away. My work has been used by over 80,000 people worldwide
My goal for the DARE Bootcamp is to help you live a more fulfilled life ‘beyond anxiety’. Helping you to no longer let anxiety define who you are and what you are capable of.
Barry McDonagh
Author of DARE and Panic Away
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Reviews From Happy Clients
Client's Name Company IncMaecenas ulticies elit dolor euismod purus pharetra hendrerit. Pellentesque turpis edu gravilda habitant tristique senectus netus eget malesuada quet fames turpis egestas sagitis odio elit commodo sed auctor!
Client's Name Company IncMaecenas ulticies elit dolor euismod purus pharetra hendrerit. Pellentesque turpis edu gravilda habitant tristique senectus netus eget malesuada quet fames turpis egestas sagitis odio elit commodo sed auctor!
Client's Name Company IncMaecenas ulticies elit dolor euismod purus pharetra hendrerit. Pellentesque turpis edu gravilda habitant tristique senectus netus eget malesuada quet fames turpis egestas sagitis odio elit commodo sed auctor!
Client's Name Company IncMaecenas ulticies elit dolor euismod purus pharetra hendrerit. Pellentesque turpis edu gravilda habitant tristique senectus netus eget malesuada quet fames turpis egestas sagitis odio elit commodo sed auctor!
The Dare Money Back Guarantee
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
If you are willing to do the work I guarantee you that you will get the results.This is the only live coaching program you will find that has a have a full money back guarantee.What that means is that if you do not feel you have gotten the desired result, you can get a full refund of the program.
Q.I have a question that is not answered here. How can I get help?
My customer care team is here to help, you can contact them via email (all emails sent to this address create a support ticket and will send you a receipt confirmation and ticket number) at support@panicaway.com.
Q.How is this different than your other coaching programs?
Dare challenges are different in that it has an emphasis on triggering a release of the contracted anxious state and thereby aiding a faster recovery from anxiety. It is an audio based training program that you make a one-time payment for unlike out continuity coaching program.
Q.Can I get a refund if it’s not for me?
Yes. We’re 100% confident you will get so much value from this program. That’s why we offer a full 90-day money back guarantee. You can basically test-drive the program without any risk at all. While we are committed to getting results for you, we won’t ask any questions if you decide that it’s simply not for you.
Q.Can I access the program on my Smartphone or tablet?
Yes, all the materials are delivered on a state of the art learning platform that is compatible with almost every mobile device. This means you can access the training wherever you go 24/7!