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Break free from anxiety and panic attacks and get back to living your life to its fullest.

You're here because you're ready
You're here because you're ready
The DARE Toolkit
DARE has developed a Toolkit based on science and years of experience to help you finally break from anxiety.

The App
The app allows you to practice using DARE techniques you learn in the book while you are outside your comfort zone. It is a great tool to have with you anywhere you go.

The Book
Your first brave step starts here
The DARE book contains all the information you need to break from anxiety or panic attacks.
Set yourself free with unique tools
Set yourself free with unique tools

Daily DARE
Listen to a new ‘Daily DARE’ each day to help retrain your brain to be less anxious
Wind Down
Use the Evening Wind Down to relax deeply for a good night's sleep!
Select a ‘7 day challenge’ to overcome your anxiety issue faster (e.g. Health/ Driving/ Worry etc)
The SOS section is there when you need help fast! Great for when you are on the go
Mood Tracker
Track your progress daily with the DARE Mood Journal
DARE Buddy
Join the DARE community and get the right motivation and support you need
Daily DARE
Listen to a new ‘Daily DARE’ each day to help retrain your brain to be less anxious
Wind Down
Use the Evening Wind Down to relax deeply for a good night's sleep!
Select a ‘7 day challenge’ to overcome your anxiety issue faster (e.g. Health/ Driving/ Worry etc)

The SOS section is there when you need help fast! Great for when you are on the go
Mood Tracker
Track your progress daily with the DARE Mood Journal
DARE Buddy
Join the DARE community and get the right motivation and support you need
Don't 'manage' anxiety.
Go for a full recovery
What you can accomplish with DARE:
Win back your sense of freedom!
Travel with ease and confidence
Retrain your brain to be less anxious
Feel like your old confident self again
Stories of 'Darers'


‘Off anywhere nice on your holidays?’ is a simple question that loads of people ask me at this time of year. Each time I try to formulate an answer that is easy for the person to digest. How do you tell your chirpy hairdresser that you haven’t been further than 20 minutes from home in 15 years?

United States

Hi, I’m Nicholas Fletcher. I’m a husband, a father, a hip hop artist, a business owner, and not exempt from anxiety.
I have struggled with anxiety to some degree my entire life, I’d say from run of the mill to slightly above average.
My wife would probably disagree with that, but you could say I was used to my level of anxiety.

United States

Well naturally I have over thought the first sentence to this story more than I should have, so anxiety is obviously still my friend! It’s so surreal to be writing a story about how I have learned to love my anxiety, it’s apart of who I am now (as it always has been). That’s were ill begin.

United States

With anxiety you have to work smarter not harder. You have to develop a rational understanding that everything is fine. Of course, you can’t just do this by talking to yourself, you have to physically do it. And by physically,


Virginia is a real Dare trooper. She is a lovely lady who has amazing grit. She will not stop and she will not be pushed around by anxiety. She can also be quite funny, I always enjoy reading her posts. Here are a few of the stories she has posted.


My first panic attack happened at work. I was in my office alone and out of the blue I felt like an elephant was on my chest.Having never felt this way before, my immediate reaction was panic.


It took a long time for me to write this as I am not sure whether it is the right time for sharing. Anyway, I decided to share with you my journey to encourage you all, the seekers of peace and joy.

United States

I have been wanting to write my story for a long time as well as a thank you letter to Barry. I’m not sure I can put in to words the depth of gratitude I feel for this book, the audios, the Facebook groups and the challenges.


‘Off anywhere nice on your holidays?’ is a simple question that loads of people ask me at this time of year. Each time I try to formulate an answer that is easy for the person to digest. How do you tell your chirpy hairdresser that you haven’t been further than 20 minutes from home in 15 years?

United States

Hi, I’m Nicholas Fletcher. I’m a husband, a father, a hip hop artist, a business owner, and not exempt from anxiety.
I have struggled with anxiety to some degree my entire life, I’d say from run of the mill to slightly above average.
My wife would probably disagree with that, but you could say I was used to my level of anxiety.

United States

Well naturally I have over thought the first sentence to this story more than I should have, so anxiety is obviously still my friend! It’s so surreal to be writing a story about how I have learned to love my anxiety, it’s apart of who I am now (as it always has been). That’s were ill begin.

United States

With anxiety you have to work smarter not harder. You have to develop a rational understanding that everything is fine. Of course, you can’t just do this by talking to yourself, you have to physically do it. And by physically,


Virginia is a real Dare trooper. She is a lovely lady who has amazing grit. She will not stop and she will not be pushed around by anxiety. She can also be quite funny, I always enjoy reading her posts. Here are a few of the stories she has posted.


My first panic attack happened at work. I was in my office alone and out of the blue I felt like an elephant was on my chest.Having never felt this way before, my immediate reaction was panic.


It took a long time for me to write this as I am not sure whether it is the right time for sharing. Anyway, I decided to share with you my journey to encourage you all, the seekers of peace and joy.

United States

I have been wanting to write my story for a long time as well as a thank you letter to Barry. I’m not sure I can put in to words the depth of gratitude I feel for this book, the audios, the Facebook groups and the challenges.


‘Off anywhere nice on your holidays?’ is a simple question that loads of people ask me at this time of year. Each time I try to formulate an answer that is easy for the person to digest. How do you tell your chirpy hairdresser that you haven’t been further than 20 minutes from home in 15 years?

United States

Hi, I’m Nicholas Fletcher. I’m a husband, a father, a hip hop artist, a business owner, and not exempt from anxiety.
I have struggled with anxiety to some degree my entire life, I’d say from run of the mill to slightly above average.
My wife would probably disagree with that, but you could say I was used to my level of anxiety.

United States

Well naturally I have over thought the first sentence to this story more than I should have, so anxiety is obviously still my friend! It’s so surreal to be writing a story about how I have learned to love my anxiety, it’s apart of who I am now (as it always has been). That’s were ill begin.

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