Brain, innit?

So, not too long ago, in the midst of having a panic attack for the millionth time about some crap or another I was trying to explain to my boyfriend how I felt…


Explaining through all the sensations and thoughts, what I say to calm myself down, explaining about DARE and how it works, he then started explaining his ADHD and how that works.

So whilst we sat there confessing to each other the complexities of our mental health he then just shrugged and said “brain, innit…” and I swear, I instantly stopped panicking and I was howling laughing for about 20 minutes.

Everytime I feel a tiny bit anxious now, I think of him shrugging and saying that.

And isn’t that just perfect? I haven’t panicked since.

What’s the point? Just brain, innit?

So today, I got it tattooed. Still makes me laugh.

So thank you to the boyfriends who calm us down, thank you to DARE and thanks to the brains who are just being brains, innit. ✌️

❤️ Georgia R.