Conquering Agoraphobia: Embracing Life Again with DARE

About 6 years ago I thought my life was over.


I began having panic attacks after a big life change which then resulted in agoraphobia. I thought I would never go on vacation with my family again, I would never be able to drive more than 10 minutes from my house, I would never go to a restaurant, I would miss all the big things for my kids, etc.

Reading DARE changed my life and my perspective. It wasn’t an easy road to put myself in situations where a potential attack would happen, but I knew I had to do it to be able to once again live my life. It’s been about 2 years since Anxiety hasn’t kept me from doing things and living life. I do still struggle with general anxiety sometimes, but it doesn’t rule my life like it once did.

I posted these pictures to my fb page this morning and was overcome with so much gratitude to not only be able to just leave my house but to do fun things with my family, go to the grocery store, go on date nights with my husband and actually enjoy it. I even went on a vacation 7 hours away from my house over the summer, something that I never thought possible 6 years ago. Even though it has been a few years since I’ve really struggled, I still often become emotional and thankful just doing everyday errands and appreciate life so much more now.

Agoraphobia was the hardest thing I’ve ever gone through, but I’m honestly thankful to have experienced it. It’s a hard thing to wrap your head around if it’s never been experienced. I have such a passion for mental health issues now, and I hope to somehow be able to help others feel seen and understood, just the way DARE and this page has helped me. Keep going! It’s worth it!

❤️ Cherie R.