Overcoming Worries and Embracing Joy in Paris

After receiving a surprise lump sum of money I decided to book a trip for me and my son, who was 4 at the time.


Just the two of us together. We chose Paris for Disneyland and the set of his favourite cartoon.

As the trip came closer I found I was having intrusive thoughts surrounding what I’d do if there was a huge fire, or we were under attack, what if I lost him or he got kidnapped. I told my panicked mind that we’d deal with the issues as they arise if they did (they didn’t!) and that worrying about them beforehand was a waste of energy.

It’s good to be prepared to travel alone with a young child, so of course I took precautions but I didn’t let the worrying occupy my mind much longer. I got through boarding and security for the first time alone, into Paris for the first time alone and navigated our way around an unfamiliar territory together.

I did my best to stay vigilant, learn a few basic phrases but ultimately to relax and to have fun and that we did.


❤️ Rebecca G.